luni, 26 mai 2014

Born Pretty Store -decoaration wheel-review

Buna seara dragele mele.
Incerc din rasputeri sa ma mobilizez sa postez si eu mai des...dar timpul este dusmanul meu principal :-(
Asta seara vreau sa va vorbesc despre o rotita cu pietricele (mai bine spus-perlute) pe care le-am primit de la Born Pretty Store.
Le-am primit de ceva vreme, insa mi-am tot stors creierii pentru ce model le-as putea folosi tinand cont ca eu am unghiile destul de mici.
Iata ce a iesit:

Good eveninig my dears!
I'm trying to mobilize myself to post more often...but time is my worst enemy :-(
Tonight I want to tell you about a decoration wheel (with pearls) which I received  from Born Pretty Store.
It has been  a while since I got them but I squeezed my brain what manicure should I create with them  because I have short nails.
Here is the final result:

 Despre acest carusel este vorba si daca sunteti interesate il puteti gasi aici.

I'm talking about this one and if you are interested you can find it here.
Ce spun ei despre acest carusel :

"*This is a set of multi color Baby Half Pearls.
*The colors match the picture color ,The size is about 3mm .
*They are half pearl with flat backing so that it is easy to put on nail surface.
*It can be applied on real nails / acrylic nails
Diameter: 1.5 mm
How to use:
*Use a moistened manicure stick or our Rhinestones
*Nipper to pick up the baby pearl and place into tacky polish or topcoat
*Repeat until desired design is complete
*Cover entire nail with a topcoat"

Una peste alta mie imi plac doar ca trebuie sa astept sa imi mai creasca unghiutele pentru a putea folosi mai multe.

All told,I like them only that I have to wait my nails to grow so I can use more of them once.

P.S. Imi cer scuze pentru faptul ca nu am curatat temeinic dar printesa mea era tare mofturoasa si a trebuit sa renunt,abia ma reusit sa fac pozele.

P.S. Sorry for my messy clean up but my princess was choosey and I had to give up,I hardly had time to take those pictures.

4 comentarii:

  1. frumushele perlutzele,rezultaul este dragutz,imi place shi oja aleasa <3

  2. Răspunsuri
    1. Da Teo,m-am straduit sa fac o floricica!Nu am fost multumita de rezultat dar alta idee chiar nu am avut in acel moment!Pupici


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