Buna seara dragele mele.
Nu am mai scris de ceva vreme insa nu am avut starea necesara.
Astazi totusi vreau sa va arat un modelas dragalas pe care l-am realizat folosind placutele de la Mo You London.
Jayne a fost foarte draguta si m-a lasat sa imi aleg 2 placute.
Am ales urmatoarele:
Good evening my lovelyes.
It has been a while since I wrote the last post but I wasn't in mood for it.
Althought, today I'll show you a lovely manicure made with stamping plates from Mo You London.
Jayne was very kind and let me choose 2 stamping plates to review.
I chose:
-din colectia PRINCESS palcuta numarul 14 (din pacate nu mai este pe stoc ca sa va pot lasa un link direct catre aceasta)
-din colectia SAILOR placuta numarul 8
--from the PRINCESS COLLECTION the plate no 14 (unfortunately this plate is not on stock so I can't put a back-link to it)
-from the SAILOR COLLECTION plate no 8
-from the SAILOR COLLECTION plate no 8
Vedeta postarii de astazi este placuta numarul 8 din colectia Sailor.Dupa cum toate stiti aceste palcute sunt foarte frumoase.Vin intr-un ambalaj de carton fiecare avand propriul personaj.Sunt lipite de un plastic de culoare alba pentru a preveni eventuale rani , avand logo-ul firmei inscriptionat pe acesta.In privinta calitatii sunt exceptionale!!!
Cu aceasta placuta a fost dragoste la prima vedere.Toti acei pestisori si caluti de mare m-au fermecat.De aceea a fost prima pe care am incercat-o! Today's post star is plate no 8 from the Sailor collection.As you all know those paltes are awesome.They came in an board wrapping each one haveing it's own character.They are fixed on an white plastic to prevent injuries, haveing the label of the company on it.Regarding to it's qualitty they are the best.
With the plate I used today was love at first site.All those lovely fishes and sea hourses charmed me.This is the reason I used it first!
Cu aceasta placuta a fost dragoste la prima vedere.Toti acei pestisori si caluti de mare m-au fermecat.De aceea a fost prima pe care am incercat-o! Today's post star is plate no 8 from the Sailor collection.As you all know those paltes are awesome.They came in an board wrapping each one haveing it's own character.They are fixed on an white plastic to prevent injuries, haveing the label of the company on it.Regarding to it's qualitty they are the best.
With the plate I used today was love at first site.All those lovely fishes and sea hourses charmed me.This is the reason I used it first!
Nu sunt un fenomen la stampilat si nu sunt deloc centrate dar sunt dragutele foc.
I'm not an phenomennom at stamping,the image is not centred but they are sooo pretty.
Pentru realizarea modelului am folosit:
I used:
Sper sa va placa.Pupici!!
Hope you like it.Kisses!!
Hope you like it.Kisses!!