sâmbătă, 30 mai 2015

Nail Art Marathon - 2.Galaxy Nails

Buna ziua fete dragi.
Sfarsitul lunii mai ne aduce o noua postare pentru claborarea maraton.De acesta data propunerea vine tot din partea Andrei Kat dar consta in realizarea unei manichiuri folosind o tehnica:  galaxy nails.

Incet,incet ne apropiem de temele si tehnicile de vara.Abia le astept!!
Recunosc ca pana acum nu am mai facut unghiute galaxie,nu am fost tentata,Andra mi-a oferit motivul perfect sa incerc si imi plac la nebunie!!
Iata si unghiutele mele pentru astazi:

 Am folosit:
-base coat Eveline 8 in 1
-oja neagra Tip Top Nail Chic Black Forest
-oja alba Isabella Medusa # 01
-oja mov Golden Rose Matte Velvet 107
-oja albastra Rapsodi #346
-glitter Cairuo Shinig Snow #18
-top coat Gabrini 3D

 Temele urmatoare:
Va invit sa le facem o vizita si colegelor mele,sa admiram impreuna modelele lor de unghiute galaxie.
Va pup si va doresc un weekend minunat de care sa profitati din plin!
  1. Andra Kat http://andrakat.wordpress.com
  2. Oana - www.unghiutele.blogspot.ro
  3. Andreea M - www.dittanail.blogspot.ro
  4. Iulia Maria - http://iuliafairynails.blogspot.be
  5. Rita - https://addictedofbutterflies.wordpress.com
  6. Madalina - http://frumusetelapretmic.blogspot.ro
  7. Mada - http://universeofm.blogspot.ro
  8. Mădălina - http://misshappyandhernails.blogspot.ro
  9. Claudiahttp://claudiaschoice88.blogspot.ro

miercuri, 27 mai 2015

Buy Arwenn - Moulin Rouge swatch and review

Good evening my pretty ladies.
Tonight I have prepared for you another review to one of the gorgeous nail polishes I've received from Arwenn.
I'm proud to say that I'm the first roumanian  blogger with wich they collaborate.So,thank you my dear Arwenn and Antoine!
Also I have a great news for you,the ones who are interested in buing this nail polishes.
If you use the code "Madalina" you get a 20% discount on their Etsy webstore.So go check that out!
The nail polish that I'll show you tonigh is a gorgeous silver with a chrome finish.
It is part of the Eponyme collection called - Moulin Rouge.
 As I said earlier,it is silver chore effect nail polish.
Aplication was really easy,only needed two coats to be opaque.
Dring time,as all of their nail polishes,excelent!!
The brush is medium,just perfect for my nails.
Not good for stamping ( this is for my "stampaholic" followers <3 br="">
The only thing that I don't like about it are the traces the brush lets on the nail even thougt the nail polish is dried.
In my pictures you can see two coats with a layer of top coat.
Size: I guess ( it doesn't say on the bottle) 14 or 15 ml
Resistence: with top coat a whole week!!
Price: 9.5 euros
 Overall I like it: great color,great resistence,good price,excelent dring time!
If you like it go check the new collection on their facebook fan page!They've made gorgeous nail polihes, I like the holografic one and the thermals <3 p="">Kisses and stay tune for more reviews.


duminică, 24 mai 2015

Flormar -Beauty Toys and Golden Rose swatch and review

Good evening pretty ladies.
Another day,another review.
This time I'll show you two gorgeous nail polishes I received from Nail Land Hungary.
As you may know,they sell gorgeous nail polishes from different brands such as:ILNP,Picture Polish,Dance Legend,Flormar,China Glaze,Golden Rose,Color Alike,Mundo de Unas and so on.
Tonight I'll be reviewing two turkish brands: Flormar and Golden Rose.
The one from Flormar is part of the new collection -Beauty Toys.
This shade is called Prince Frog and the one from Golden Rose is from the Rich Color line -number 18.
They both have creamy texture.Flormar needs two thin coats to be opaque.
The Golden Rose nail polish is a one coater.Aplication was very smoth,I didn't had any problems.
Dring time:about 3-5 minuts for both.

They both have 11 ml.
I absolutely adore those shades!!
As you can see I didn't swatch the Golden Rose one but I used it for stamping. 

It stamps pretty nice I can say.
Hope you like it,I surelly recomand those two babies
If you want to be up to date you can like Nail Land's fan page on facebook here.
Also they offer free shipping to orders over 50€.If you spend less,the shipping cost is 6€ to Romania.
They deliver the packeges with GLS ,I received mine in two days!!
Stay close for other reviews,soon.

sâmbătă, 23 mai 2015

Nail Art Marathon - 1.Favorite Nail Polish

Buna ziua feter dragi.
Iata ca timpul a trecut destul de repede si am ajuns la inceputul unei noi colaborari - Nail Art Marathon care va dura pana la sfarsitul anului.
Temele sunt foarte frumose si se intercaleaza cu tehnici pentru nail art.
Ce poate fi mai frumos de atat?!!!
Prima tema - favorite nail polish - a fost propusa de Andra.
Ca o "polish aholic" ce sunt,am multe oje preferate.Nu pot spune ca am una care imi place cel mai mult,toate ojele care le am imi sunt dragi.
A fost foarte greu sa ma decid pentru tema de astazi dar dupa lungi meditatii am ajuns la urmatoarea "preferata" :
Am fost tare impresionata de acesta ojica!Este foarte finuta,imi place foarte mult culoarea,glitterul auriu din compozitie si....este texturata!!
Cum sa nu mi fie draga!

Pentru realizarea manichiurii de astazi am folosit:
-base coat Eveline 8 in 1
-oja Miss Sporty Crush on you #064
-oja rosie pentru stampila Lily Angel
-placuta XY 17

Acesta este banner-ul facut de Andra (Sophie) pentru acesta colaborare.Pe acesta cale tin sa ii multumesc pentru realizarea sa,este foarte frumos!!
 Lista fetelor care au participat la prima noastra postare:

  1. Andra Kat http://andrakat.wordpress.com
  2. Oana - www.unghiutele.blogspot.ro
  3. Andreea M - www.dittanail.blogspot.ro
  4. Iulia Maria - http://iuliafairynails.blogspot.be
  5. Madalina - http://frumusetelapretmic.blogspot.ro
  6. Alina - www.venuschic.com
  7. Deyutzahttp://deyutza87.blogspot.ro/
  8. Alina Vrinceanuhttp://www.justanangel.net/
  9. Mihaela - http://elasdreams.blogspot.ro/
 Sper sa va placa!
Va pup si va doresc un weekend linistit!

joi, 21 mai 2015

Moyou Nails-Concept Collection

Buna seara fete dragi.
Revin cu o noua postare.Si de acesta data v-am pregatit tot un review.Doar ca de acesta data a sosit randul frumoaselor placute primite de la MoYou Nails.
Este vorba de placuta numarul 306 din noua lor colectie.
Concept Collection este noua colectie,lansata in urma cu aproximativ doua saptamani.
Ea contine 10 placute minunate iar eu am primit cinci dintre ele pentru review.
Dupa cum probabil stiti,aceste placute se numara printre  preferatele mele.

 Aceste placute au gravate modele intregi,ceea ce le faci perfecte pentru modele cu peisaje.
Placuta 306 este plina de inimioare mari si mici, potrivite pentru toate unghiile,de diferite marimi.Cupidonul este piesa centrala a acestei placute dar din pacate este prea mare pentru unghiile mele.Insa se poate folosi pe bucati.

 In ceea ce priviste calitatea,nici de acesta data nu am fost dezamagita.Modelele se imprima perfect redand si cele mai mici detalii.

Le recomand cu cea mei mare caldura tuturor celor pasionate de stamping si nu numai.Ele pot fi cumparate de pe site-ul lor la pretul de 39.99£ pentru intreaga colectie sau individual la pretul de 4.99£ bucata.
Va pup si ne citim data viitoare.
Keep safe!!

marți, 19 mai 2015

By Arwenn -Renaissance swatch and review

Good evening my dear ladies.
Tonight I've prepared for you a review.
Have you heard of By Arwenn nail polish?I'm sure you did!
By Arwenn is an indie polish brand own by Arwenn and her husband Antoine.
They make gorgeous nail polishes with different textures:classic nail polishes,holografic,textured,thermal etc.
For more details and picture you can visit their facebook fan page here.
Tonight I'll show you a gorgeous glittery nail polish from the Baroque collection called Renaissance.

 As you can see it is a purple base full of glitter medium particles.
It shines pink,red,green and blue!!
I'm inlove!!

In my photos you can see two coats with a layer of top coat.
I've applied it without a black\white base and two coats were enough for full opacity.
It dries like a textured nail polish.
Drying time: 5minuts.
Resistence: almost 5 days.
Price: 8.8 €

 I sure recomand it!!
You can find it on their online webshop on etsy or on facebook page.

Kisses until the next time!!

sâmbătă, 9 mai 2015

Nail Team Challenge - Studs

Buna ziua,fete dragi.
Din nou sambata,zi de colaborare.
Am ajuns la penultima tema - studs - tema ce a fost propusa de Alina. 
Pentru astazi am pregatit urmatoarea manichiura:

(click pe poze pentru a le vedea la marime mai mare)

Am folosit:
-base coat Eveline 8 in 1
-oja RubyWhiteTips nuanta Cleptomaniac
-placuta BornPretty BP-35
-tinte argintii BornPretty
-top coat Gel de la Farmec
Sursa de inspiratie pentru acesta manichiura a fost urmatoarea:
Nu sunt un mare as in asezarea tintelor,drept urmare,nu am fost multmita de rezultat!
Dar cel putin sunt bucuroasa ca am participat si nu am ratat nici macar o singura tema!

Lista fetelor care au participat la acesta tema o gasiti mai jos.
Atat pentru astazi.
Va pup si va doresc o zi placuta!

1. Alina - http://www.venuschic.com
2. Oana - www.unghiutele.blogspot.ro
3. Andreea M - www.dittanail.blogspot.ro
4. Iulia Maria - http://iuliafairynails.blogspot.be
5. Andra (Sophie) - http://sophiesnailartdreamland.blogspot.ro
6. Mihaela - http://elasdreams.blogspot.ro
7. Teo - www.taitzel.com
8. Mădălina - http://misshappyandhernails.blogspot.ro
9. Iulia B.http://iuliabeldean.blogspot.ro
10. Andrea - http://andicolouryourlife.blogspot.ro
11.Madalina - http://frumusetelapretmic.blogspot.ro
12. Rita - https://addictedofbutterflies.wordpress.com/

vineri, 8 mai 2015

MoYou nails 82 stamping plate - review

Good evening pretty ladies.
Tonight I have prepared for you a qiuck review to one of MoYou's nails stamping plate.I feel very lucky to have had the chance to work with this company.
Tonight  I 'll show you the stamping plate 82. 
Like the other plates manufactured by this company, the quality is pretty good,images are deeply etched, verry beautifull patterns and it's also very versatile.
The images are very easy to pick up.
On this stampig plate we can find: 4 large full nail images (bamboo,roses,flowers,circels) and 1 small image (flower).
Since I've received it I really wanted to try those pretty circles!!They were my first choise!!

For this manicure I used:
-Eveline 8 in 1 base coat
-Gabrini Elegant Provitamin #358
-white stamping polish 
-MoYou Nails 82 stamping plate
-Gel top coat by Farmec
I really recomand this plate!!You will love it!!I know I do love it!!

That's all for today.


sâmbătă, 2 mai 2015

Nail Team Challenge - WaterMarble Nails

Buna ziua fete dragi.
Am ajuns la tema cu numarul 16 din cadrul colaborarii noastre.Aceasta a fost propusa de Madalina .Cu toate stim cat de frumos ii ies modelele watermarble!!Si nu numai!!Ce-a al ei ,e pus deoparte!!Intotdeauna am admirat pe blogul sau modele pictate free hand,stamping si watermarble perfect realizate.
Trebuie sa recunosc faptul ca nu ma pricep absolut deloc la water marble.De aceea,cand Mada ne-a permis sa folosim alte tehnici care sa contina cuvantul "marble",am stiut ce vreau sa fac.
Pentru acesta tema am folosit tehnica "marble on a nail stamper".
Pentru cele care doresc sa stie mai multe despre acesta tehnica,va invit sa vizionati acest tutorial .
Iata ce am realizat eu pentru astazi:

 Am folosit:
-base coat Eveline 8 in 1
-oja Premium Classics #04
-oja Maria Lopez #580
-oja Maria Lopez #594
-oja Maria Lopez 520
-oja Leydi #808
-placuta BPS - 14
-oja neagra pentru stampila Lily Angel
-top coat Gel de la Farmec

O sa va arat si o poza cu o tentativa de watermable cat de cat "reusita" din multele incercari esuate.
Cam atat pentru astazi.
Va invit sa le facem impreuna cate o vizita si colegelor mele ,sa vedem ce ne-au pregatit pentru astazi.
Va pup si va doresc o sambata linistita si placuta!

  1. Mădălina - http://misshappyandhernails.blogspot.ro
  2. Madalina - http://frumusetelapretmic.blogspot.ro
  3. Ella - www.ella-beautycorner.com
  4. Oana - http://unghiutele.blogspot.ro
  5. Andreea M www.dittanail.blogspot.ro
  6. Alina - www.venuschic.com
  7. Mihaela - http://elasdreams.blogspot.ro
  8. Kinga - www.kinganak.com
  9. Andra Kat - http://andrakat.wordpress.com
  10. Iulia Maria - http://iuliafairynails.blogspot.be

Creative nails collab - Something masculine

Buna ziua, fete dragi. Tema de astazi - something  masculine , ne aduce in prim plan barbatii. Fie ei partenerii nostrii, prieteni , rude...